This Impact Cosmetic Use To Look

This Impact Cosmetic Use To Look

Who would not want to look and look beautiful? Definitely all womankind wants, his performance was praised, especially those he loves, whether a friend, a boyfriend, or a husband and relatives.

In fact, so wants to look beautiful there that are willing to spend a lot of money to be able to look different. Through plastic surgery, for example. Who had been somewhat snub nose was in makeovers so sharp. Pun chin and others. In fact, some are 'fixing' the shape and size of her breasts, in order to look sexy.

For those who have mediocre funds, may adjust the budget. Typically, they will glance at the beauty products that can change the appearance, whether it's face or body. Skin whitening creams, is one of the most sold product. In fact, in the virtual world, similar products creams that claim to whiten skin, so one of the most sought-after products. Sellers of products of this type were scattered in cyberspace. They are vying to offer the products it sells along with 'ketchup number one' excellence of its products.

But, should, not too excessive in using beauty products. Many of which have side effects is not good for the wearer. Instead mutable pretty, it 'disastrous' or problems harvested. Do not be like that. Therefore, carefully first before buying the product. Be critical buyers. Try, find out accurate information about the product to be purchased. Let us not regret later on.

Well, here's a news worthy to be a reference for women who want to look beautiful, so as not to regret in the future. The news, review about the dangers of excessive makeup. Sometimes we do not realize there are dangers that lurk dibali use makeup.

Any negative effects of a user's makeup? First, in the news diwanti-warned, do not wear make-up or beauty products that have expired. According to dermatologist David Bank, M.D., as reported by Women's Health Magazine page, sign expiry applied in the packaging of the product has a reason. But users often overlook it. And, consider the expiry of a beauty products do not have any influence. In fact, the beauty products that had expired, has side effects that could be a health problem for its use. Beauty products are outdated, such as makeup products, can lead to infection. Or make the eyes red and irritated.

David Bank also warned the weaker sex, not to sleep with a face-up bermake. Due to makeup, can make the pores clogged. Eye irritation is likely to occur. Moreover, if that had tilted sleeping habits, the Bank said, traces of makeup can infiltrate into the eye, and it will trigger irritation. So, whatever your secapai, gave time for a moment to clean the rest of the makeup is still attached to the face. Do not be, because lazy to clean the makeup ahead of the deep, the problem to be harvested.

Another caveat expressed David Bank is associated with the 'everyday clothes extensions' or eyelash glue. Said Bank, eyelash glue that contains formaldehyde, which can lead to irritation of the eyes.

Problem eyeliner Bank also cautioned. He said, eyeliner can introduce your eye on foreign bacteria. Mata did have a naturally occurring bacteria. But, when you use the eyeliner, the same as you introduce foreign bacteria into the eye.

Well, the Bank also warned not to share makeup with others. This is often a habit. Feeling close, often someone is simple enough to share makeup with others. Whereas the Bank said, it had a negative impact. Sharing makeup, can lead to the risk of infection. Bank cited, for example sharing eyeliner or lipstick. He said, it opens the risk of contracting a viral infection such as conjunctivitis, staph and cold sores


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