Benefits of Ballet for the Formation of Character in Children
In addition to making the body more healthy, as described above, the ballet also provide other benefits that help shape the character of the ballet dancers. Formation of this character will be very good for toddlers or children so as to send your kids to the ballet studio or a ballet, it is in fact indirectly shape the character of the child.
The following description of the character formation of the child through ballet:
1. Exercising patience and control emotional children
The first thing that would be obtained if their child is playing ballet exercise patience and emotional control. As we know that it plays a very different ballet movements with modern dance moves that have fast movement. Movements in ballet are very slow and should be done with feeling making a ballet dancer must be patient or good at controlling his emotions when performing any such movements.
If the movement of the ballet performed in the absence of good emotional control, then the movement will not be beautiful and charming. Then, of course, these properties will be brought in the child's environment outside the ballet so that children will have emotional control and good patience.
2. Train the child to interact and socialize with others
Furthermore, ballet dancing will also provide other positive thing for the children that they will learn to interact and socialize with people other than the people who are at home with him. Train children to interact is very important because with unfamiliar meet others, the child will be easier to adapt to new environments or new people who will be met.
3. Train the cooperation
At the staging ballets in groups or more than one person, compactness ballet dancer movement must be considered. Therefore, every dancer in the group must work together so that every movement they are compact. In the process of cooperation is exactly the kids who played ballet must train keep their egos that they do not highlight the greatness of each but must be integrated with other ballet dancers. Here, children will learn how to cooperate with others in order to realize a thing.
4. Train concentration of children
In doing every movement in ballet, ballet dancers have to concentrate so that the movement is doing right and perfect. This concentration includes the concentration of ballet movements with musical accompaniment. If the concentration of bad players, then there will be a lot less than perfect ballet movements. Given this fact, the ballet of course could be a good alternative for children to practice how to concentrate well. This concentrate habits will certainly make children accustomed to concentrate on other things, learn for example.
5. Increase the child's memory
In addition to practice concentration, ballet dancing is also very good to train children to improve their memory. As we know that ballet has a lot of movement, ranging from the basic movements for beginners to complex movement for the players who have been adept at dancing ballet. With so many movements in ballet, of course children should be trained to remember the movement of what they should do.
Especially if they are going to perform, then the child should be given the correct movement of what should be done when the stage. This is to train children to train their memory, and the result is memory in children would be much better if compared with children who did not follow any extra activity.
6. Train the child's confidence
As a ballet dancer, then the child should have more courage to perform on stage, and it is this which will be trained when the children join in a ballet studio ballet school or extracurricular. In ballet, the child will be trained how he must get used to being the center of attention on stage without having to be embarrassed or awkward.
Here, children will learn how he should believe in himself that he is capable of becoming a great ballet dancer on stage in front of many people. Therefore, the child will be trained ballet yanh come into someone who dared to appear in front of many people.
Tips for Parents for a son who followed Ballet
From the above, it can be concluded that the ballet is a dance that has many benefits for the formation of character in children. Therefore, parents who had seen a ballet on their child's talent, you should not hesitate to register the child to join a ballet studio or engage the child in extracurricular dance at school.
However, for parents who want to enroll their children to the ballet studio, it would be better if they chose ballet studio is right for their children so that later the child's character formation as mentioned above will be maximized. So, should the parents choose the ballet studio where each class do not have too many students to be trained. This of course will affect the children because the development of ballet dancing skills in children will be less so that the formation of a positive character in children is also reduced. So, should, parents choose ballet studio that each class has only 10 or 15 students only.
In addition, parents who enroll their children into a ballet studio is also not to hinder the formation of the positive character of the child in a manner accompany children in the class. This of course would be bad because eventually the child will always be dependent on their parents and could not be more confident when the child is asked to perform without friends. Therefore, parents should be outside the ballet class that shuttle the child or the child only concentrate to the ballet alone.
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