Benefits of AA and DHA EPA for health and baby

Benefits of AA and DHA EPA for health

Good nutrition and appropriate stimulation is a major supporter for brain development in infants. I need to know if the formation of the brain most occurred during pregnancy and 2 years next after the time of delivery. To that end, the fulfillment of the good nutrition during pregnancy should be people satisfied to support brain development of babies being conceived.

One form of administering the proper nutrition is to suffice the need for essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids as well as omega-3 essential fats is necessary in support of a baby's brain development. The presence of omega-3 makes the baby become smarter. In addition to bringing good in the baby's brain development, these fats also have a role in shaping the neuron cell walls as well as providing energy for brain development.

There are 3 types of essential fats is good for brain development of babies with health problems such as:

1. DHA (docosahexanoic Acid)

DHA is an essential fatty acid for neural networks, the eye and brain development for infants. DHA can be found naturally in breast milk or breast milk. This is why breastfeeding is highly recommended for the health of the baby. The existence of the DHA is generally derived from the consumption of foods with omega-3 fatty acids. There are several types of fish that contain DHA which is high i.e. tuna fish and salmon. But keep in mind, consuming fish must be done carefully because it may contain mercury consumed fish are dangerous for baby health or pregnant women. To take – heart, expectant mothers can change their consumption of fish with egg.

There are several types of foods that contain omega-3 is quite high, such as:

  • Anchovies, herring and sardines

The pressure canned anchovies in oil is a good source of DHA than raw fish. Meanwhile, the herring that comes from the Atlantic Ocean contain DHA are higher than those that come from the Pacific Ocean. Sardines contain DHA most low.

  • Swordfish

The best way to cultivate in this fish is to bake it or using a dry heat method. But unfortunately there is a possibility of this fish have been contaminated from the mercury so that it should not be consumed by toddlers, infants or pregnant women.

  • Caviar

Black and Red caviar contain 3.8 mg DHA per 100 grams.

  • White tuna and bluefin tuna

The fish is fresh, bluefin tuna contain DHA highest if compared to other types of tuna. Canned tuna also provide omega-3 is good and more economical. Meanwhile White canned albacore tuna in water, contain DHA 3 times more.

  • Algae

For those of you who is a vegetarian and does not mengonsumnsi the fish as a source of omega-3 then you can obtain other sources of hemp seeds, tofu, and walnuts. But unfortunately, the DHA contained outnumbered by DHA from fish.

  • Salmon

This fish has a DHA content ranging from 2000 to 3000 mg per 6 onsnya. Sea salmon contain fish oil is better than farmed salmon.

  • Breast milk and infant formula
BREAST MILK is an important source of DHA. If it is not possible to give BREAST MILK (read: the benefits of breast milk), usually the manufacturer of infant formula have been adding DHA in their products.

2. AA (fatty acid arakidonat acid) fatty acids is included in omega-6 (fatty acid lonoleat)

Omega-6 fats in food are usually more than fat omega-3. There's even a big chance if a child has acquired fat omega-6 is pretty much by consuming food with oil content of soybean seeds, and corn.

3.  The EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) that contains the omega-3 (fatty acids linolenic acid)

There are countless types of foods containing EPA start from:

  • tofu
  • walnut oil
  • soybean oil
  • oil of wheat
  • flax seed oil
  • peanut butter enriched with omega-3
  • Walnut
  • soy
  • egg
  • canola oil

In addition to various kinds of foods above, you can also consume milk, yogurt, peanut butter, orange juice that has been enriched with omega-3. Mostly, we have been getting omega-6 is quite different however, with omega-3. Things to note are the consuming nuts  that are inappropriate for children because it can cause hazard be choked.

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