This woman is allergic to sweat and Tears Itself


Sweat and tears is one form of a normal body fluid secretion. Oddly enough, there is a woman who is quite the allergies on the sweat and tears of his own.

Julie Reid (28) was forced to leave his job as a gymnastics instructor at a gym and dance teachers. It was done because Reid suffered a rare allergic reaction.

"Each doing physical activity, I will itch everywhere," said Julie was quoted as saying in an interview for ABC News.

Any body sweat or get wet eyes, skin itching and redness appear. This rare condition called urticaria kolinergic.

Julie a rare condition diagnosed it since three years ago. He also now spend more time at home.

According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, hypersensitivity affects about 4-5 percent of Americans. Commonly, this condition is indeed emerging between the ages 20-39 years old.

Experts suspect, this rare condition occurs when certain antibodies in the immune system of a person's address. Sweat and tears is one form of a normal body fluid secretion. Oddly enough, there is a woman who is quite the allergies on the sweat and tears of his own..

Itching on the body can disappear within one hour or last up to six weeks. If more than that, been deemed chronic allergies.

This allergic condition allegedly influenced the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that is not normal. However, further research is needed to address a rare allergy to it. Currently the standard treatment using Atarax or called ketotifen, for more severe cases.

In mild cases, the granting of antihistamines can help to relieve the itching and reduce redness. It could also with topical creams like benzoyl skopolamin.

Julie hope medical science can quickly find the best way to treat her allergic. Let alone this time, medicines allergies to cope with Julie has not covered by health insurance.

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