7 Benefits of Sodium to The Body

7 benefits of  Sodium to the body

Sodium is one of the names of the elements in the field of chemistry. In chemistry, sodium is an alkali metal malleable silver white, and has the atomic number 11. Sodium in daily life is also often denoted by NA. Sodium often we encounter in our daily lives in the form of no longer pure sodium. Sodium that we often encounter in everyday life are usually bound with other chemical elements. Call it salt (NaCl). Table salt contains the elements sodium (Na) bonded with chlorine (Cl). In a chemical reaction is usually produced from NaCl-NaOH which is alkaline, which was reacted with HCl are acidic.

In chemistry, pure sodium is one of the types of items that are not stable. This item is very easy to react with water. When pure sodium put in water then the hydrogen gas will form easy to burn. In the history of civilization, the elemental sodium is commonly found in everyday life in the form of table salt has been widely exploited by humans. The use of table salt is usually for religious ceremonies are sacred, call it in the country of Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Arabic.

The sodium content in human body

Do not imagine the content of sodium in our bodies is pure sodium as explained above. Sodium in our bodies is indeed a vital minerals that must be met, but still controlled asupannya. Sodium intake is usually derived from table salt that we consume everyday. Animal foods and also the vegetable also contain elements of sodium in it. The food that we often eat, such as marine fish also contain sodium. Usually sodium in animal foods contain more sodium in comparison with plant foods.

Our body when fit is usually contain 256 grams sodium compound, the compound is the equivalent of 100 grams of elemental sodium.
The recommended amount of sodium consumed ranged between 1100-3300 mg every day
The amount is equivalent to 0.5-1.5 teaspoon salt
Please note that the excess salt intake, especially for someone who has a history of hypertension (high blood pressure) is not recommended
For patients with hypertension, maximum sodium consumption should not exceed 2300 mg per day.
Because sodium is one of the minerals that are very important to the performance of our body, then sodium needs must be met. Why sodium needs must be met? What are the benefits of sodium for our bodies?

Here's an explanation of the benefits of sodium for our bodies.

1. Regulate the fluid balance of the body

In his work arranging the body's fluid balance, sodium work together with potassium. Sodium will provide a stimulus to the brain in order to consume the water. The explanation, when we consume sodium exceeds the limits of the body will feel thirsty. Thirst is then followed by the water consumption and the work of the kidneys to excrete more sodium so that blood volume will decrease and cause it to become more balanced.

2. Set the function and Work of the heart muscle

Sodium we consume have influence the working of the heart muscle increases so that the heart will be pumping more optimal blood flow to meet the needs of the body. Sodium consumption less or even not have the normal standards will result in decreased heart muscle work, the body felt limp because of flow and pressure of blood is not optimal, as well as blood volume will decrease.

3. Supports body metabolism

In its performance supports body metabolism, Na is working with Cl and bicarbonate. NA, Cl, and bicarbonate will help balance the pH in our bodies. In other words, set the acid balance of the base so that the body remains in the neutral pH range. Na that often bind with bases, and Cl that often bind to the acidic will help chances neutralizes pH that is too extreme, maybe the pH is too acidic or too alkaline pH.

4. Help balance the flow of Fluid in the body

The liquid in the body flows together with our bloodstream. In short, increased sodium consumption will also increase blood volume and improve the work of the heart. When blood volume and cardiac work increases then the flow of fluid into the blood will spread better throughout the body because the heart pumps blood more optimal.

5. The transport of Nutrients Through the cell membrane

Please note that sodium has the ability to penetrate the cell membrane that sometimes other compounds can't do it. When sodium penetrates the cell membrane, it will bring more nutrients to get brought in the membrane so that the nutrient adequacy will be fulfilled.

6. Help cells to metabolize Nutrients More

The benefit is closely related to the benefits that have been elaborated on the benefits of no. 5. Sodium that has the ability to penetrate the cell membrane by carrying other nutrients. With the ability of sodium can exit entrance passes through cell membranes to bring other nutrients so that metabolic processes in the cell can take place smoothly. In addition, fluid balance that exists in the cell and around cells also will remain balanced.

7. Stimulating Nerve Work

Sodium is able to stimulate nerves work so the stimulus-stimulus that comes from our nerves are able to get to the brain with optimal. Sodium as conductor for  impulses from the nerves.

That's some of the benefits of sodium for our bodies. The third month we eat something containing sodium (e.g. salt) we often do not pay attention to the positive influence of sodium contained in it. With that explanation make sure sodium needs we always sufficient and appropriate. However, there are some signs that need to watch out for when consuming sodium. Here's the short explanation.

Error in Sodium Consumption

Error consumption referred to here is the lack or consuming too much sodium. Deficiency of consuming sodium might result in the weakening of the body, decrease in blood pressure, decreased memory, as well as eyesight. But keep in mind that the occurrence of cases of deficiency of sodium consumption is hardly found. Why? Because sodium is so easy we encounter in everyday life, even on a daily basis we are consuming foods that contain salt, in other words it contains sodium as well.

If the case of a lack of sodium consumption is almost never found, then another case with excess sodium consumption. Later much research stating the height of people who suffered from hypertension. The excess sodium consumption could be a contributing factor.

Instead of being a secret that foods with MSG and also fast food that contains a lot of sodium is our appetite enhancer. You certainly often consuming food containing extra flavor such as MSG right? Foods containing MSG also contains sodium when we eat. Only, foods containing MSG usually have effects that are bad for our bodies. It's no wonder when the excess sodium consumption can be one of the factors the causes of hypertension. To that end, let us watch our sodium intake. Customize with the adequacy of the suggested.

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