The Danger Too Frequent Consumption Of Ultra Food Process
Processed foods seem to be the kind of food that is difficult to avoid. U.S. Department of Agriculture defines processed food as something that is undergoing the transformation from raw form into something more sought after by consumers.
And when these prepared foods are having a much longer process, then creating a new type of food named ultra-processed foods.
When the frozen fruits and vegetables are known as processed food, when the processed fruit and vegetable along with the salt, sugar, oil, fat, and certain additives, and produced a new form, then that is what is referred to as ultra-processed foods, according to the study. Call it a vegetable pasta, vegetable noodles, biscuits, cereal and vegetable fruit.
In other words, ultra foods-processed with a sense of artificial, artificial colors, sweeteners, stabilizers, additional and other additives to make it taste like real food (real food).
Ultra foods-a process many found as factory-made instant meal and even a daily meal has become the House of urban as well as teenagers, like pasta/noodles instant, ready-made soups, meat nuggets, pizza, and more.
A study from Tufts University and the University of Sao Paulo trying to see how food ultra-process contributes to the intake of sugar and salt in the American population.
The findings say, that 1 serving of ultra food process could contribute to almost 90% of the daily needs of salt and sugar Americans, whose average in excess of the amount recommended.
Additional sugar comes from snacks such as breakfast cereals, fruit drinks, soda drinks, cakes, biscuits, and light snacks.
One of the authors of the study, Carlos Monteiro, a professor at the University of Sao Paulo, published a study that explains how much "comfort" food that is produced by ultra-process.
Monteiro said, many people are choosing food consumption ultra-process because it looks interesting, looks hygienic, feels good, and it's easier than making a home-cooked meal. Whereas, additional substances such as sugar, salt, flavorings, dyes, and preservatives can result in something much more serious in the long run.
"The high consumption of sugar is added in the food process of ultra-most likely contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and coronary heart disease," said the study.
The researchers recommend, to reduce the risk of serious health, limit consumption of ultra food process.
In one week, try to eat ultra food process only as much as the 3-5 portion, of any kind whatsoever. Return to real food (real food), in the form of raw ingredients — vegetable, fruit, or flesh — through cooking and healthy.
Source: teenvogue
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