Top 10 Super Foods for Weight Loss

Top 10 Super Foods for Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, then one thing you have to do is better regulate eating and smart to measure the amount of calories that go with the amount burned. In addition, eating certain types of foods can also help reduce weight. There are some foods that can help you full longer, so the desire to snack is not too large. There are also foods that can aid the body's metabolism, making it quite helpful weight loss program that is being done.

Some Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Here are some foods that can help you lose weight:

1. Grains
Grains contain high fiber and take a long time to digest. This means eating grains will provide satiety longer and prevents you from overeating. One group suggested grain to eat is beans. In addition to cheap and filling, beans contain protein which is nice and needed by the body.

2. Soups
Venturing your lunch with a serving of soup was the right step. Soup will increase your energy and quite filling. No matter the soup you eat, either watery or thick, as long as the soup containing meat broth. The recommended intake is 100 to 150 calories per serving. So, try not to add butter or cream.

3. Dark Chocolate
If you want you can enjoy chocolate between meals. But choose dark chocolate than milk chocolate. This is in line with a study that found that people who were given dark chocolate pizza known to eat 15% less several hours afterward than those who choose chocolate milk.

4. Eggs and Sausage
Breakfast with high protein foods can help you eat less at the next hour. A study involving a group of young obese women, found that those who intake of 35 grams of protein at breakfast time tend to quickly feel full. Total intake of calories they consume at breakfast is 350 calories, including eggs and sausage beef. The protein-rich breakfast gives full effect long enough, and last much longer when they limit their intake of sweets and fatty foods than women who started the day by eating cereal.

5. Vegetables
Do not forget to add vegetables to your diet menu. In addition to nutritious and healthful, vegetables can also help reduce the number of calories taken in. When researchers from Penn State added Zucchini (a kind of small pumpkin) and cauliflower puree, study participants were involved turned out to be more like the food they ate. However, note also that they eat 200 to 350 calories fewer calories.

6. Nuts
If you're hungry but not yet time hours of eating, you can eat a healthy snack like a handful of almonds, walnuts, pecan (nut curly), and nuts. Research shows that when people eat peanuts, they tend to eat less at mealtime.

7. Yogurt
Yogurt has good benefits for health and can help reduce your waist size. Research from Harvard University involving 120 thousand people for more than 10 years, proving that the various types of food, yogurt became one of the most effective in reducing weight.

8. Apples
Besides nuts, fruits, especially apples could also be the perfect choice to be a healthy snack when his hungry whack. This is because apples contain fiber intact, giving the effect of filling in a long time. Plus, chewing activity will give a signal to the brain that you're eating something in a large amount or a lot.

9. Grapefruit
Fruit is still in the family citrus or orange is quite popular in western countries, especially the United States. Grapefruit is a fruit that contains many essential nutrients for the body and can help you through a diet program, especially for people with diabetes. Based on the findings of research at Scripps Clinic, San Diego, found that obese people who ate half a grapefruit before meals, weight loss average of 1.35 kg in 12 weeks. Drinking grapefruit juice regularly also produce the same effect.

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