The Benefits of Essential Fats for the Growth of the Baby and Health

The Benefits of Essential Fats for the Growth of the Baby and Health

AA and EPA'S role in smooth blood circulation and prevent the arrival of degenerative diseases. While the existence of benefits of AA and DHA was instrumental in forming the cell wall of neurons as well as supply of energy for the brain to develop.

Essential fatty acid is a type of fat that can be obtained from food. Fat this one can not be retrieved from the body because the body can not it generated itself. To that end, knowledge of the content of omega-3 and omega-6 on the food necessary for the fulfillment of the needs of these essential fats.

The benefits of essential fats for the growth of the baby and health are:

  • regulates the nervous system
  • build your immune
  • help the formation of
  • help the absorption of nutrients into the body
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system
  • good for eyesight
  • good for brain development

There is so much research that has been done to the role of essential fatty acids, especially for growing the baby. One such research is research conducted in the United Kingdom in Avon. Such research produces if an infant who is born by a mother who was fond of consuming DHA during pregnancy, have better IQ compared with babies born of mothers who consumed less like DHA during her pregnancy. This research in Avon, involving as many as 90. 000 pregnant women.

It is important for the brain
Other studies mention if a troubled child in behavior as well as in learning, will evolve into a better after consuming essential fatty acids. This proves if essential fatty acids affect behavior for children.

Given the importance of the existence of so fat acids essential for the health of the baby, then no wonder if now a lot milk formula, is included with the important content in the form of AA, DHA and EPA. But nevertheless, not all infant formulas contain essential fats are complete, it is important for the mother to check which formula if suitable for the growth of the fruit of your heart. Breast feeding plus infant formula with a lot of content of essential fatty acids is nutrition as well as good nutrition for growth for your baby.

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