101 Benefits of Not Eating Red Meat For Health

101 Benefits of Not Eating Red Meat For Health

For Indonesian people, meat is the kind of dishes that fall into the luxury category. The middle class is quite rarely ate these dishes except in certain moments such as celebrations or other traditional rituals. Meanwhile, the upper middle class tend to be more frequent consumption of meat in the form of kitchen dishes, cooking restaurant or other processed products.

In general, there are two categories meat consumed by people, the first is the red meat and the second is white meat. This categorization is based on the color of the meat before cooking. Red meat consists of beef, goat, buffalo, pigs and sheep. While it consists of white meat chicken, duck, stuck, turkey and other poultry animals. Between them, the red meat is generally considered more harmful to health even though it also contains protein, source of iron and vitamins needed by the body.

Various studies conducted on the dangers of eating red meat-excessive-reinforce the assumption that a variety of recommendations to reduce the consumption of red meat to emerge even stop it altogether. Dietary programs promote these findings and the number of vegetarians is increasing day by day. Such circumstances be fair and reasonable considering there are many benefits that can be obtained by reducing or stopping the consumption of indulgence and or red meat consumption habits. Some of these are as follows:

1. Lowering Blood Pressure
The content of saturated fat in meat can increase blood pressure and thus susceptible cause hypertension. Therefore, reducing or stopping the consumption of red meat can maintain a normal blood pressure.

2. Minimize the Risk of Diabetes
The findings that the consumption of red meat can increase the risk of diabetes obtained through some legitimate academic research. However, it is not certain how the consumption of red meat can cause diabetes. Various studies show that vegetarians have lower blood sugar levels and lower triglycerides. Instead, it was found a few cases of diabetes in the sample to increase the consumption of red meat.

3. Minimize the Risk of Cancer
World Cancer institute Foundation in 2007  officially announced that red meat is a cause of colon cancer. Amino acids in red meat is known to play a significant role in causing some types of cancer. This is certainly contrary to vegetarian groups who eat vegetables and fruit. The content of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables can ward off free radicals which is one of the causes of cancer.

4. Minimize the Risk of Heart Disorders
Red meat has carnitine compounds which when taken into the body and will be automatically destroyed by bacteria in the digestive system. The destruction will lead to increased cholesterol in the blood. In addition to 'create' cholesterol, carnitine compounds that have been destroyed will also be turned into gas through a process of conversion in the liver will bring up what's called TMAO. TMAO is then very 'instrumental' in the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels. Two things here that can increase the risk of heart problems and even stroke so that reducing or stopping meah meat consumption would reduce the risk of heart problems and stroke.

5. Avoid body odor
One study reported that they rarely or never eat meat have a body odor that much more savory than those who regularly eat meat

6. Lose Weight
Meat consumption is proven to more quickly and effectively gain weight. Thus, in addition to health, stop the consumption of red meat would also support the diet program that you live.

7. Streamlining Digestive
Meat is a food that is poor in fiber so that if you eat excessively and there is no 'place' in the stomach for another fibrous foods, you most likely will have digestive problems. It is different with vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber and can support smooth digestion well as the disposal process.

8. Provide Energy Supplement
Reduce or stop the consumption of raw meat and then replace it with the consumption of vegetables can give you extra energy. Vegetables can open up blood vessels so oxygen more freely enter and flow in all body tissues and gives you extra energy.

9. Against Skin Aging
Replace the portion of the consumption of raw meat and replace them with fruits and vegetables can increase antioxidants and neutralize free radicals that will have an effect directly on the skin. This applies primarily to avoid a wide variety of skin disorders due to aging such as wrinkles and wrinkles.

10. Improve Mood
Like the previous point, this benefits you can get by reducing or stopping the consumption of meat and replace it with vegetables and fruit. Consumption of vegetables and fruits are known to improve mood based on the results reported by a study.

11. More Economical and Environmentally Friendly
As alluded to earlier, the price of meat including unaffordable for most people to switch to vegetables also have economic value. In addition, the consumption of vegetables and fruit are also more environmentally friendly because both are almost no role adds to greenhouse gases. This contrasts with the livestock industry are assessed contribute at least one-fifth of all greenhouse gases and spent 30% of land worldwide.

Benefits of not eating red meat for health pretty much usefulness, red meats are known to pose a potential  deadly disease.

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