The benefits of olive oil for health

The benefits of olive oil for health

The benefits of olive oil for health and well known side effects of olive oil if its use is not true. Olives are well known and many used long since either the fruit or oil.

As the name implies, this olive oil made from the olive plant, which no doubt has many benefits for our body. This olive oil contain a wide variety of vitamins and other substances such as vitamins A, B1, B12, iron, potassium and various vitamins and other substances. But exactly what are the benefits and whether the benefits of various olive oils have side effects?

In a variety of recipes for a diet, there are always described the ascetic importance to use olive oil, even a lot more nutrition experts advise not to use vegetable oil, but its use by replacing the olive oil. In some cosmetics or face masks were also not rare to encounter that these products contain olive oil. It was only natural that happen, because minimize calories and beautify the face is indeed the benefits of olive oil.

Olive oil has many types of olive oil in circulation, but there are some of the most popular olive oil, its virgin olive oil. This oil is often used for a variety of needs and goals.

Some of the benefits of olive oil are:

  • Maintain healthy skin. by applying olive oil in the bath we can obtain the skin softer and luminous. Or by using olive oil that has been processed such as cosmetics and drugs beauty that can be directly used with more varied uses.
  • Nourish hair and eliminate dandruff. By mixing the olive oil when we shampooing, will give considerable effect for healthy hair and scalp us
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease. The content of antioxidants in olive oil can reduce the risk of heart disease, because Antioxidants are better in protecting and increasing the body's immune system
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes. Olive oil is very effective for lowering blood sugar levels in humans, which may further reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Preventing osteoporosis. Olive oil will help your body absorb calcium perfectly, then the bone will be avoided.
  • Prevent senile. Olive oil contains unsaturated fatty acids that can reduce the risk of dementia. Basically dementia often occurs because a lack of unsaturated fatty acids contained in our body

Apparently quite a lot as well so that we can enjoy the benefits of olive oil. That's just a few, there are many other benefits that may be more than some of these things. But it seems unfair if we only consider the benefits only.

Side Effects of Olive Oil

Although it is not too heavy and dangerous, olive oil still has some side effects in use. Especially if consumed by someone with allergies or consume the appropriate amount of dosage should be. For people who are allergic to olive oil, its use by means of external and internal will make at least itching and skin will be flushed.

Hopefully, after knowing the benefits and side effects of olive oil that may occur, may be more helped us to be able to use olive oil more wisely and truly benefit that should be obtained.

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