15 benefits of Lobster for the health of the body

15 benefits of Lobster for the health of the body
Lobster is one of superfood for a big fan of the seafood,. Lobsters, commonly known as the giant shrimp are indeed tempting tastes. Shape and size which can be said for Giant Shrimp compatriots, really seductive belly to taste it let alone in accordance with Cook culinary favorites. Of course the more evocative of appetite.
Lobster  indeed became the favorites menu in any sea food restaurant. Because, although the shape and size of the great turns in coupled with a savory and texture meat. May be even more soft and savory on appeal with shrimp-shrimp type usually. Behind this scrumptious food, contained some of the benefits the lobster may be able to make the body become more powered, one lobster meat has a high protein content.

Content Of Lobster

Lobster or shrimp known as giant known as both a producer of high protein food. In one cup of lobster meat, and cooking with sauteed, we will find 129 calories. Pretty much not? But it is also in the balance with protein in produce, i.e. by 28 grams. Even this figure reached 16% of the recommendations of the 2000 calorie diet.

The content on have also not only that. But also carbohydrates, fiber, as well as some vitamins that are good for the body. One of which was vitamin B niacin, B6, B12, too. In addition, there are vitamins E, A and vitamin C which has fewer levels of B vitamins.

A mineral that exists in the lobster is also quite a lot, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and zinc are the most dominating. Actually there are still other vitamins contained in this lobster, but simply applied is very small.

Benefits of Lobster for the health of the body

1. Producing High Protein
Although these foods fall into the category of ' watch out for obesity ', however it does not mean no right of consumption. Because who would have thought the benefits of this lobster  is rich in animal protein. Very good in demand for children who are still in the stage of growth for consuming these foods.

2. Good for the formation of new cells

Benefits of lobster is indeed rich in protein content. So eat the lobster for you are indeed in need. Because being able to assist in the process of the formation of new cells and replace for damaged cells. That way your body more system running smoothly.

3. Preventing from the disease Kwashiorkor

Benefits of lobsters are also excellent tackling diseases associated with malnutrition, one of them is kwashiokhor disease. Usually on the mark with a dilated stomach, then hands and legs become thin dry. This can happen due to lack of nutritional intake, especially protein nutrition. For it in kwashiokhor for sufferers suggest consuming these foods.

4. Good for the development of brain cells
Other benefits that can be gained from consuming lobster is able to stimulate the development and the growth of brain cells. The State let alone the protein comes from the sea, the more support the existence of the substance content of omega 3. This substance is very active in the formation of the brain, where  is able to encourage to work optimally. A recent study proves, kids who consume omega 3 have sharper memories.

5. Quickly cope with bruises and Wounds Hematoma
The condition of the fallen, bruises and a wound hematoma is an incident that we cannot estimate. Some people when the injured need speedy recovery, there was also a long time. One way to overcome the wounds of the hematoma and the bruising is to eat lobster. Because its protein content  is able to help the body to repair damaged in bruising and hematoma.

6. Help Supply Energy Reserves
Eat lobster certainly makes full, right? Indeed in kendungan lobster terrdapat calories enough to make into a full. Moreover, the protein in it is also very much. If the protein content of the much earlier is not in use, it will be stored in the form of energy in the body.

7. The content of Amino acid of life
In the lobster there is amino acids of life. Where these amino acids could not be produced by our bodies. For it is with taking any pemenuhanya way from the outside. Example of foods containing the amino acid of life.

8. Quick Heal Inflammatory Process
There are also benefits other lobster on the amazing content in the lobster meat is the existence of the omega 6 (AA or arakhidonat acid) and omega 3 (eikosapentaenoat acid or dokosaheksanoat acid and EPA or DHA). The content of this very active and good for producing prostaglandins. With the help of conversion of omega 6, this right can help cure the inflammation.

9. Prevent and reduce the risk of Stroke
Not only that, the benefits of existing lobster get from omega 6 is capable of reducing the risk of stroke. Because the presence of substances of omega 6, flexibility of the blood vessel walls are getting awake. As a result the possibilities and risks of the occurrence of stroke and coronary artery disease are also declining.

10. Smoothing skin

Consuming lobster apparently also good for taking care of and maintaining healthy skin. Because inside are vitamin E and vitamin A that are working actively to help keep your skin rejuvenation to keep it smooth and soft

11. Add the immune system
In the content of 100 grams lobster, there is vitamin C capable of boost in immune system.  when your body is tired, then we recommend that you take some vitamin C. Eating lobster also helps improve the immune system

12. Good for bone growth
Lobster is a very good food that is consumed for the age of the children who are still in its infancy. Because lobsters have a content of phosphorus and calcium that are quite high. Both of these substances are very helpful to bone formation to be strong and sturdy. Not only that, but also help improve the structure of the bone.

13. Strengthening the growth of teeth
Teeth is one of the important organs to help you eat, especially if broken, could not be waiting to grow back. Because the teeth only grow through 2 times, the milk teeth and permanent teeth. When two days had already passed, then the teeth won't grow anymore. For it is very important for us to keep and care for the growth of the teeth. A substance that is very influential in this regard is the calcium and phosphorus. Both compounds was good to strengthen the tooth so that it stuck to the root, as well as strengthening the structure of teeth not to be broken.

14. The million nutrition, one meal
You may need to occasionally give the lobster as home cooked menu list. Because even though only one lobster meat, already meets a number of nutrients that are good enough for your body. For example, vitamin B12, B6, C, A, E, as well as some minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Moreover, in substance will enrich your omega 3 and omega 6 is good for growth and brain development kids. The content is also very helpful to parents, that is, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease such as coronary disease, artherosklerosis, and stroke.

15. Lose weight
Lobster turned out to be quite powerful to help lose weight. Because these foods have a low fat content. Let alone the calories that are not too high is also not too dangerous.

Even some people think eating lobster is also taking a multivitamin supplement.

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