Benefits of Napping

amazing benefits of napping
Benefits of Napping

Sleep is a routine activity undertaken by every human being to rest ideas and energy that they have. So when awake, owned stamina will recover as usual. As we know, the night is a good time to do activities to maintain a healthy sleep or physical body. but many of us who often do during the day or more in the know with a nap. Then, what benefits can we derive from naps .... ?

Perhaps not many people know that the nap we do have a lot of benefit to your health. For this reason, the need for health tips investigated the various benefits of naps. So that readers have information that may be very useful for the health of your body. Here are tremendous benefits for your healthy nap:

  • Improve Brain Memory. Napping was able to increase your brain's memory. A study conducted in 2008 found that a nap in 45 minutes can improve your brain's memory.
  • Improve Work Productivity. Napping was able to increase the productivity of your work. Therefore, for those you who often experience fatigue strength and mind after work are suggested to take a nap in order to increase the productivity of your work.
  • Preventing from Insomnia. Naps were able to treat the symptoms of insomnia or sleeplessness.A study conducted in 2011 confirms that a nap will make insomniacs become fitter. This is because the total rest time becoming longer.
  • Lowering Stress. Naps turned out to help reduce the level of stress you have. A study showed that stress hormones will dramatically decrease after you do your nap for an overnight sleepless soundly and peacefully.
  • Healthy heart. Evidently nap can prevent heart disease. If you do a short nap for 20-40 minutes every day will reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. A research conducted by the Greeks discovered that people at least take a nap for 30 minutes 3 times a day within a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 37 percent. based on such research, a healthy nap is between 1-3 o'clock in the afternoon for no more than 45 minutes. Because if over time it will cause severe head when you woke up
Such health tips about benefits of napping was reviewed to maintain the body stay healthy. May be useful and add insight to the companions. Warm greetings from the author.

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