Benefits Of Grapes For The Skin

 Benefits Of Grapes For The Skin

The benefits of wine already famous since long ago. Regular wine eaten casually or as cooking recipes or ingredients made into syrup. In the European region are already cultivated wine around 6000 years ago. These shrubs, usually live in the districts with a high enough intensity with low rainfall. About 60 types of grape varieties, is consumed by the whole world.

Nutritional Value Of Grapes

Grapes contain nutrients that are good for the body. Each grape varieties have nutritional value, but in general the nutritional content of wine is composed of 70 percent water and 20 percent sugar, which makes the grapes are excellent for body metabolism. 10 percent of other substances including:

Gallic Acid
Phosphoric acid
a number of vitamins

Other substances such as polyphenols compounds and resveratol in wine that we know as antioxidants. The antioxidant content of wine to counteract the free radicals that enter into the body, to prevent the formation of cells causes the occurrence of cancer.

Benefits Of Grapes For The Skin

In addition to the wine is very good for health, the benefits of other grapes also care for beauty, namely the following:

1. Protection against skin cancer
In many studies, resveratrol substance shows a positive influence on the development of cancer cells. Resveratrol provides protection to the skin from UVB rays from the sun damage, thereby providing resistance against skin cancer.

2. Moisturizes skin face
Grapes sliced into two halves, then apply on face and let stand fifteen minutes. Use regularly every two times a day morning and night before going to bed and experience the benefits of wine which gives the natural moisture of the skin.

3. Brighten face
Face that dull, impaired appearance, grapes can help him. 1 to 2 pieces grapes extract and peeled his skin, then squeeze with your hands. Mix with honey ± 2-3 drops, then apply it to a clean face. Let stand at least 15 minutes, then rinse with plain water.

Grape is one of the content of fruit with perfect for health which contain antioxidants that are good for the human body. However there are a few tips for those of you who want to consume the wine

Make sure you do not have diabetes. The content of sugar in grapes is quite high and severe diabetes will add you. Make sure you wash it clean, on worry about wine in the spray with pepstisida material material which is not good for the body. Do not store in the refrigerator for too long, this will cause contaminated with other bacteria that is in your refrigerator.

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