Extraordinary Ingredients Green Tea Useful To Health

Extraordinary Ingredients Green Tea Useful To Health

One known source of antioxidants is green tea, all types of tea contain antioxidants but green tea is the highest antioxidants. With this high antioxidant content of tea can be used to ward off free radical attack.

There are many more green tea component, of which

  • Flavonoids - can prevent and deter attacks free radicals that can reduce and slow the effects of damage to cells and tissues.
  • Chlorophyll - reduce and prevent the risk of heart attack, reduce eczema pimples and black spots on the skin, protecting the oral cavity and respiratory refreshing.
  • Polyphenols - can inhibit the development of cancer sek, has anti bacterial and viral, strengthen, launch and control the performance of blood vessels, can shed fat in the body.
  • Calcium - can strengthen bones either in the process of formation and growth of the body.
  • Zinc - To boost immunity, helping the enzyme eliminating free radicals and prevent free radical attack.
  • Magnesium - substances which compose, arrange and control the receptor, one of the nerve that serves organize and manage the functions of the body electrolytes.
  • Mineral - Can improve metabolism
  • Selenium - Can help the preparation of antioxidant enzymes in the body, helping and preparing iodine metabolism
  • Potassium - launched metabolism, helps nerve membrane transport, signal transmission and dam helps nerve stimulation to the muscles.
  • Flour - Can help in preventing and reducing tartar, preventing the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, preventing the formation of dental caries enamil
  • Tannins - is one of the powerful antioxidant, can offer toxic and inhibit bacterial growth.
  • Sodium - Can help in preparing and maintaining the body's electrolyte, regulating and controlling nerve impulses, helps to lower high blood pressure? Hypertension ,, dams provide essential salts body
  • Magaan - can throw the effects of free radicals, helps the absorption of vitamins, keeping the thyroid gland, prevents osteoporosis or bone loss, and help keep blood sugar stable
  • Alkaloids - Helping prevent inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer
  • Organic acids, vitamin A for eye health, Vitamin B for endurance, immune boosting vitamin C, vitamin E protects the tissue damage skin and hair, vitamin K to help blood clotting process.
  • Protein (Amino Acid) = - add a waterwheel in the body, increasing body immunity, maintaining body cells dam reduces the level of stress and depression
  • Cuprum - Can protect the body's metabolic processes, dams prevent degenerative diseases
  • Caffeine - Helps stimulate the central nervous system, protect and preserve kidney function and blood circulation.
  • Saponin - Helps blood cholesterol levels stable and normal, controlling cholesterol in the intestine before being absorbed into the bloodstream

Green tea also has the enzyme amylase, protease, peroxidase, Invertase, oximetilase, glucosidase interrelated in maintaining and improving health. Green tea benefits and efficacy of this extraordinary can be perceived if taken regularly every day and certainly without adding sugar preformance presentation.

Thus some of the ingredients in green tea health benefits for the dam body, hopefully readers can benefit.

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1 Tanggapan untuk "Extraordinary Ingredients Green Tea Useful To Health"

  1. Hi, Great post. I like the way of your writing. After read this blog, I am planning to start taking Green Tea. Let me know how to find difference between organic and conventional green tea. Thanks for sharing useful information. Keep blogging.

    Sathish from Pet Supplies Online
